My Pico Picture

My Information

Pico Nickname: Jaкє'$ Hєaят

My Pico Pets

♥My Pico Pets♥


                                                          Thorr                        Jeffery

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Unique Meetings Today! haha

Met two cute twin picos today!!

Met a Pico who looks like me! :o

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Met Mia, the Ninja and Princess Pico! :D

I had a long day today, until I met Mia on beginner's park, it was nice to meet her, look at our random pictures together, we had a blasts! :D

Monday, September 20, 2010

Met a very interesting pico...o.O

Yesterday, I was playing pico, I went into newbie area and this one he or she pico came up to me and kissed me out of the blue, it was weird, but the boy pico told me he was a girl, just on a boy pico..weird...